
太陽閃焰(solar flares)引發地球20年來最大地磁風暴(geomagnetic storm,磁暴),10日晚在拉丁美洲部分地區帶來眩目的極光秀,包括罕見出現在墨西哥。奧地利、德國、瑞士、倫敦、美國和加拿大等都有目擊事件,亞洲地區包括澳洲、紐西蘭、日本和中國等都有人拍下眩目美照。美國國家海洋暨大氣總署(NOAA)表示,磁暴效應可能會持續整個周末。

看更多》》強烈磁暴來襲 氣象署:明天上半天才結束 台灣沒機會見極光
看更多》》太陽閃焰影響 北海道夜空出現紫色低緯度極光

墨西哥特卡特11日看到地磁風暴引發的北極光。(路透社)A view shows the lights of an Aurora Borealis caused by a geomagnetic storm near the border cities of Mexicali, Mexico and Calexico, U.S. as seen from Tecate, Mexico May 11, 2024. REUTERS/Victor Medina


墨西哥下加利福尼亞州(Baja California)瑪契卡力市民防機構表示,11日晚可能會看到更多極光。

在智利,這種亮光被稱為南極光。當地媒體和社群平台用戶分享的照片顯示,旁達阿里納市(Punta Arenas)天空染上了大紅和紫紅的色彩。

阿根廷火地島10日出現眩目南極光。Women pose for pictures as the Aurora Australis, also known as the Southern Lights, glow on the horizon as seen from Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina on May 10, 2024. The most powerful solar storm in more than two decades struck Earth, triggering spectacular celestial light shows from Tasmania to Britain -- and threatening possible disruptions to satellites and power grids as it persists into the weekend. (Photo by Alexis DELELISI / AFP) (Photo by ALEXIS DELELISI/AFP via Getty Images)
阿根廷火地島10日出現眩目南極光。(Photo by ALEXIS DELELISI/AFP via Getty Images)



南極光11日在紐西蘭基督城郊區埃爾斯米爾湖上閃耀。TOPSHOT - The Aurora Australis, also known as the Southern Lights, glow on the horizon over waters of Lake Ellesmere on the outskirts of Christchurch on May 11, 2024. The most powerful solar storm in more than two decades struck Earth, triggering spectacular celestial light shows from Tasmania to Britain -- and threatening possible disruptions to satellites and power grids as it persists into the weekend. (Photo by Sanka Vidanagama / AFP) (Photo by SANKA VIDANAGAMA/AFP via Getty Images)
南極光11日在紐西蘭基督城郊區埃爾斯米爾湖上閃耀。(Photo by SANKA VIDANAGAMA/AFP via Getty Images)
11日在澳洲墨爾本菲利普港灣看到由太陽閃焰風暴引起的南極光。TOPSHOT - People watch the the aurora australis or southern lights caused by a solar storm at Port Phillip Bay in Melbourne on May 11, 2024. (Photo by Paul CROCK / AFP) (Photo by PAUL CROCK/AFP via Getty Images)
11日在澳洲墨爾本菲利普港灣看到由太陽閃焰風暴引起的南極光。(Photo by PAUL CROCK/AFP via Getty Images)
強烈的太陽閃焰11日在中國內蒙古出現紫紅色極光,照亮了天空。HULUNBUIR, CHINA - MAY 11: Northern lights glow in the sky on May 11, 2024 in Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia of China. People in China marveled at the unusual and spectacular sight of the northern lights (also known as aurora borealis), the consequence of a severe solar storm that was brewing and was expected to continue over the coming days. (Photo by Xue Bing/VCG via Getty Images)
強烈的太陽閃焰11日在中國內蒙古出現紫紅色極光,照亮了天空。(Photo by Xue Bing/VCG via Getty Images)
哥倫比亞河峽谷上方的北極光,北加州部分地區都​​可以看到。  LATOURELL, OREGON - MAY 11: The Northern Lights are seen above the Columbia River Gorge from Chanticleer Point Lookout in the early morning hours of May 11, 2024 in Latourell, Oregon. Places as far south as Alabama and parts of Northern California were expected to see the aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights from a powerful geomagnetic storm that reached Earth. (Photo by Mathieu Lewis-Rolland/Getty Images)
哥倫比亞河峽谷上方的北極光,北加州部分地區都​​可以看到。 (Photo by Mathieu Lewis-Rolland/Getty Images)
強大地磁風暴產生的北極光,10日出現在美國猶他州邦納維爾鹽灘上空。WENDOVER, UTAH - MAY 10: People pose for photos as a geomagnetic storm lights up the night sky above the Bonneville Salt Flats on May 10, 2024 in Wendover, Utah. Places as far south as Alabama and parts of Northern California were expected to see the aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights from a powerful geomagnetic storm that reached Earth. (Photo by Blake Benard/Getty Images)
強大地磁風暴產生的北極光,10日出現在美國猶他州邦納維爾鹽灘上空。(Photo by Blake Benard/Getty Images)
北極光10日在英格蘭東北海岸聖瑪麗燈塔上空閃耀。Una aurora boreal brilla en el horizonte sobre el faro de St. Mary en la costa noreste de Inglaterra, el viernes 10 de mayo de 2024. En todo el mundo se reportaron brillantes luces púrpuras, verdes, amarillas y rosadas, con avistamientos en Alemania, Suiza, Londres y Estados Unidos y Canadá. (Owen Humphreys/PA vía AP)
北極光10日在英格蘭東北海岸聖瑪麗燈塔上空閃耀。 (Owen Humphreys/PA vía AP)
TOPSHOT - Northern lights or aurora borealis illuminate the night sky over Fusch an der Großglocknerstraße, near Zell am See, during a geomagnetic storm on May 11, 2024. The planet is experiencing its first
地磁風暴期間,北極光11日照亮了奧地利濱湖採爾附近地區。(Photo by JFK/APA/AFP via Getty Images)
美國太空總署太陽動力學觀測站9日拍到的太陽閃焰(solar flares),引發是20年來最大地磁風暴 。(美國太空總署/SDO/美聯社)
美國太空總署太陽動力學觀測站9日拍到的太陽閃焰(solar flares),引發地球20年來最大地磁風暴 。(美國太空總署/SDO/美聯社)


強烈磁暴來襲 氣象署:明天上半天才結束 台灣沒機會見極光
大規模太陽閃焰強烈磁暴影響地球 北海道現紫紅色神秘極光
極端磁暴持續來襲 電網通訊未現重大災情

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